Is Your Website Fast Enough to Get Ranked on Search Engines

Is Your Website Fast Enough to Get Ranked on Search Engines

In 2010, Google announced that website speed will be affecting the search rankings. So even after 9 years, in 2019, we as websites are still suffering to maintain that 3 to 5 seconds of page load time which is affecting us much more not on search engines but also on different digital marketing channels.

As per new industry benchmarks, websites how has page speed between 1 sec to 10 sec, the bounce rate (i.e. rate of leaving the website) increases to 123%.

Current Industry Standards for Page load time

So, Finding the Correlation Between Page Load Time and Search Ranking
In 2018, SEMrush did a study on 150,000 websites and found that the 82.89% websites have some or the other issue which affects the page load time. If you can see given below Infographic, you will understand it more.

SEMrush study on webpage performance

These are the issues which your SEO expert or Agency notify on a regular basis because Search Engine gives priority to Page Load Time. This is important for both desktop and mobile.

So How to Resolve These Site Performance Issues?

Even, on mobile page speed is affecting the search engine rankings.

Is Your Website Fast Enough to Get Ranked on Search Engines